
I start to wonder what else had changed since I’d been gone. My parents are in an awkward puzzle, wondering how to treat me now----whether to treat me—still their daughter—as one of them, an adult, or as the child they feel they sent away months earlier. I run into two of my best friends from high school; we stare at each other, expressionless. We ask the simple questions and give simple answers. It’s as if we have nothing to say to each other. I wonder how things have changed so much in such a small amount of time. We used to laugh and promise that no matter how far away we were,读“世界年平均气温分布图”,回答问题。1、从图上可以看出,世界气温从                    向                  逐渐降低。A、低纬;高纬B、赤道;两极C、低纬;两极D、赤道;高纬2、0℃以下的寒冷地区主要分布在                   洲和                  洋沿岸地区以及青藏高原地区。A、亚;太平B、南极;北冰C、亚;北冰D、南极;太平3、世界年平均气温最高的大洲是                   。A、亚洲B、欧洲C、非洲D、大洋洲4、我国的青藏高原地区年平均气温要比同纬度地区         (高、低),原因是                             。A、高;海拔低B、低;海拔高C、高;海拔高D、低;海拔低5、世界年平均气温在20℃以上的地区,同五带中的                带范围大体一致。A、热B、亚热C、温D、寒
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