
下列各句中,加点的成语使用正确的一项是(     ) A.开学已经很多天了,可是他仍然久假不归,我想他家里一定出了什么事。 B.经济的快速发展使人类的生存环境江河日下。如今各国都认识到了问题的严重性,积极采取补救措施。 C.后来幼儿开始学走路、说话和认识世界,这时同母亲的关系就失去了一部分息息相关的重要性,而同父亲的关系开始重要起来了。 D.在新加坡你可以品尝到星洲辣蟹、肉骨茶和娘惹菜等美食,品类之丰,实在是擢根据汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意通顺。小题1:When you cross the road, you must pay attention to your s_____(安全).小题2:There’s no d      that computers are widely used by workers.小题3:Going to Australia for further education for two month is a very e________(高兴的) and exciting experience for me.小题4:A car e______ will be held in April in Shanghai. You can see many different kinds of cars.小题5:No matter where the pop star goes, the fans will f______ him.
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