
《尚书·大传》说:“周公摄政,一年救乱,二年克殷,三年践奄,四年建侯卫,五年营成周,六年制作礼乐,七年致政成王”。对材料中四年建侯卫、六年作礼乐解读正确的是(    ) A.建侯卫就是实行郡国制,制作礼乐就是为了维护郡国制 B.建侯卫就是实行分封制,制作礼乐是为了维护分封制形成的等级制度 C.建侯卫就是推行宗法制,制作礼乐用来代替分封制 D.建侯卫就是实行郡县制,制作礼乐是为了丰富周人的生活根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,在答题卡指定区域的横线上写出对应单词的正确、完整形式,每空只写一词。 56. Window screens are ___________(有效的) in keeping out mosquitoes. 57. An old man in _____________(寒酸的) clothes came to the door. 58. The other possibility, Mr. Jouanny said, was that the _________(小偷) might just like the painting. 59. Will it be ______________(方便的) for you to start work tomorrow? 60. All of them are______________(教授) of chemistry at Chicago University. 61. This is the most important___________(改革)of the police service in over 50 years. 62. Just now the police came and __________(逮捕) the man who had robbed the bank. 63. The bell____________(表示) the end of the period rang, interrupting our heated discussion. 64.We are going to ________________(删除) some names from the list. 65. The object of this society is to perfect its members ___________(实际地) and scientifically.
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