
Look back through history at all the famous and distinguished persons. Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, etc., all had one thing in common: they were all extremely curious about the world around them. This natural quality of theirs was what improved them from average personalities to true geniuses. Curiosity will have you asking questions always. You will go hunting for the answers and won’t rest until you find them. The end result is that, you will learn a lot, and keep on adding to your knowledge throughout your life. No wonder then that, naturally curious people are often the most kn(2015•长沙模拟)寒假期间,在我国某省区某县城的路口统计了车流量和车辆信息,情况如下表.日期车辆户籍构成(百分比)车流量(辆/小时)本省沪苏浙粤其他腊月二十9085203500腊月三十502520821900若车辆的构成变化主要是由于外出务工人员返乡造成,该省区可能是(  )A.安徽B.辽宁C.新疆D.山西
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