
   In our deep mind, we all talk to ourselves—an inner monologue that might seem rather pointless. But as a study shows, the act of giving ourselves mental messages can help us learn and perform at our best. Researchers have identified the most effective forms of self-talk collected here—so that the next time you talk to yourself; you know exactly what you should say. Self-talk isn’t just motivational messages like “You can do it!” or “Almost there,” although this inside cheering section can give us confidence. A review of more than two dozen studies, published last yea我国的语言文字丰富多彩,其中有许多语句蕴含了物理知识.请在下表中填写所列语句涉及到的物理知识.序号语句物理知识示例镜花水月光的反射1海市蜃楼    2立竿见影   
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