
Barefoot Traveler is a tour operator that specialises in diving holidays, tailor-made to your individual needs. The most popular destinations include Bonaire(博内尔岛), Tobago(多巴哥岛), the Bahamas, Maldives, Oman(阿曼), Seychelles (塞舌尔) and Thailand.     Our friendly and knowledgeable staff, who are certified divers themselves, will be able to advise you on the best destinations for your requirements.     Whether you want to learn to dive, further your diving qualifications, continue to discover the underwater world, or simply relax on the beach, we ar秦汉时期设立了朝议制度,凡遇军国大事,皇帝往往“下其议”于群臣;而唐代设立三省制,“置中书、门下以相监察,中书诏敕或有差失,则门下当行驳正。”其相似作用是( )A、大幅提高了行政效率 B、有效解决了皇权与相权的矛盾C、限制、监督了皇权 D、有利于皇帝决策时集思广益
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