
  A thief hired a room at an inn and stayed there at night. The next morning when he looked out of his window he saw the owner of the inn  61  (sit) in the courtyard. The man was wearing an expensive new coat  62  the thief decided would look good on himself.    Accordingly(因此) he went out and sitting beside the innkeeper(客栈老板), struck up a conversation with him. Presently(不久) he yawned(打哈欠) and then to the innkeeper’s  63  (astonish), howled(咆哮) like a wolf.    “  64   did you do that?” asked the innkeeper.   “ I have no control over it用超导体不能制作的电器有(  ) A.电炉  B.发电机   C.电动机   D.计算机
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