
(18分)阅读下列材料,回答问题: 材料一  在伯利克里执政时期,公民大会拥有全部的最高政权。雅典公民每隔l0天集合一次,决定国家大事。……五百人议事会的议员用抽签方法从公民中选出,五百人分成10个议员团,每年分为十个时段,每个议员团轮流执行五百人议事会的职务。 ——《历史研究与资源丛书》 材料二 《中华民国临时约法》规定:总理可以驳回总统的意见;总统颁布命令须由总理副署才能生效。 材料三  1978年,美国政府颁布了They say that first impressions are very important. My first impression of Mrs Li was 31___ she was nervous and 32____. I think perhaps she was, 33_____ it was her first lesson 34_____ us. But now, after 35______, the class really likes 36______ with her. She is kind and 37_______, and she 38________ English so 39_____ that  40______ I can understand it! --- She avoids 41______ you feel stupid. I’ve always hated making mistakes or 42______ a word incorrectly when I speak English, but Mrs Li just smiles, 43_____ you don’t feel completely stupid! I think maybe she goes _44___ too slowly for the faster students, but for me it’s wonderful!I feel I’m going to make progress 45_____ her.小题1:A. it               B. that小题2:A. shy             B. relax小题3:A. as             B. is小题4:A. after            B. with小题5:A. two week        B. two weeks小题6:A. working         B. work小题7:A. patience         B. patient小题8:A. explains         B. explain小题9:A. clear            B. clearly小题10:A. even            B. every小题11:A. to make         B. making小题12:A. to pronounce     B. pronouncing小题13:A. so that          B. that小题14:A. a bit            B. bit小题15:A. with            B. to
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