
All over the world,children in hospital are being treated with a new kind of medicine:Laughter.Lucy is 23 and works for Theodora Children’s Trust.She is one of many clown (小丑) doctors who bring a smile to the faces of sick children. “I’m a Theodora clown doctor.I call myself Dr Looloo.I spend two days a week in children’s hospitals,making funny faces,telling jokes,and doing magic tricks.As I walk into the wards I blow bubbles,shake hands with the kids,and make up nonsense songs for those children well enough to sing.I take special balloons to make ‘balloon ani阅读下列材料,按要求完成题目。 有一次,俞敏洪回答大学生 时,他说:“很多人一辈子有两个追求,一个是有钱,一个是值钱。……有钱不一定值钱,值钱的人早晚有钱。”他又说:“同学们不要把自己变成‘储钱罐’,因为没有人能够靠储钱变富;但一定要把自己变成‘印钞机’,需要钱的时候可以随时靠能力去取。但要想使自己值钱,只有不断吃苦、不断努力、不断奋斗才有可能。你越值钱,你的价值就会越大,你对社会的贡献就越多。”刚说完,台下掌声雷动。(1)请解释俞敏洪先生讲话中“储钱罐”和“印钞机”的含义。储钱罐: 印钞机 (2)根据材料内容,在横线上填写适当内容,使上下文衔接自然,中心明确。(3)从语言表达的角度,分析俞敏洪先生这段话有什么特色?
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