
Eating processed meat can cause cancer, World Health Organization experts said Monday. Processed meat is meat that has been preserved by curing, salting, smoking, drying or canning. Experts from the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France, studied 800 cases. IARC researchers linked processed meat, such as hot dogs and ham, to bowel cancer, as well as pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer. The IARC has included processed meat in its group 1 list, for which there is “sufficient evidence” of links to cancer. Tobacco, asbestos, and diesel fumes are als下列各句中加点词语古今意义完全相同的一项是A.沛公奉卮酒为寿,约为婚姻B.备他盗之出入与非常也C.未有封侯之赏,而听细说D.臣与将军戮力而攻秦
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