
下列对某一主题的知识归纳,有错误的是( ) A.化学与安全B.化学与健康 重金属中毒——喝鲜牛奶、豆浆等解毒 煤气泄漏——关闭气阀、严禁烟火糖类、油脂——组成元素相同 缺铁——会引发缺铁性贫血 C.化学与生活D.化学与材料 蛋白质、淀粉——用碘溶液来鉴别 纯棉织物、纯毛织物——用灼烧闻气味来鉴别水泥、玻璃——都属于硅酸盐材料 玻璃钢、铝合金——都属于复合材料A.      Write clearly. B.      Review your notes. C.      Compare your notes. D.     Organize your notes. E.      Write down questions. F.      Come to class prepared                              How to improve your note taking 61. ________________    There is nothing that will help you take better notes than coming to class prepared. Before coming to class make sure that you have read all assigned reading and that you have reviewed your notes from the previous class. Coming to class prepared will help you take much better notes. You’ll be able to take more detailed notes on items you don’t fully understand. 62. ________________    It doesn’t matter how many notes you can take if you can’t make sense of your notes after the lecture is over. Taking clear notes will ensure that you understand the subject matter being discussed, help to remember what is being taught in your mind and will provide you the means to g back after class and review the subject matter being taught.. 63. ________________   When class is over, compare your notes to those taken by other students. Sometimes other students will pick up on things discussed by the teacher that you missed or didn’t find important. Comparing notes will help ensure that your notes are complete and correct. Also, you’ll find good ways to take notes from others. 64. ________________   Often after class, you will find out that you can’t remember what the teacher was saying. Review your notes as soon as you can. Reviewing your notes directly following a lecture will make sure that you understand your notes and the lecture. Also, it will help you remember the information you learned. 65. ________________     Quite often you’re going to find that it can be difficult to understand everything the teacher is talking about. Make sure to write down any questions you have or concepts you didn’t understand so that you can go back after class and ask the teacher specific questions or use reference resources to better understand difficult concepts.
化学 试题推荐