
   I used to feeling I was the sun in my family. But while my cousin was born, everyone pays more attention to her. So I disliked her and couldn’t get along well with her. As time went on, I realized what ridiculous I had been at that time. I tried to find a proper time to apologize. When my cousin’s family came to my home a few day ago, I took my cousin to play outside. In the way to the playground, I had bought many snakes for her. Then we began to chat. When we talked about their childhood, suddenly, I said “sorry” gentle. She was silent, so I thought that she hadn’16.(Ⅰ)已知直线l经过点P(-3,2)且在x轴上的截距等于在y轴上截距的2倍,求l的方程;(Ⅱ)已知圆C经过点A(2,-2)和点B(1,1),且圆心在直线x-y+1=0上,求圆C的标准方程.
英语 试题推荐