
Most of us don’t remember our first two or three years of life. But our earliest experiences may stick with us for years and continue to influence us well into adulthood. A study, published in Child Development, found that the type of emotional support that a child receives during the first three and a half years has an effect on education, social life and romantic relationships even 20 or 30 years later. Babies raised in supportive and caring home environments tended to do better on tests later on, and they were more likely to get higher degrees as adults. They were also more likely 我国最近报道的高温超导体材料中,铊(Tl)是其成分之一,已知铊与铝是同族元素,关于铊的性质判断中,可能错误的是(  ) A、铊是银白色金属B、Tl(OH)3和Al(OH)3一样是两性氢氧化物C、能形成+3价的化合物D、与稀硝酸作用生成硝酸盐
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