
Give the spelling of the following according to the meaning . 1. f__________ : an official document with spaces where you write information , especially about yourself . 2. c__________ : to cut something into small pieces . 3. r__________ : to say firmly that you will not do something that someone has asked you to do . 4. i__________ : ask sb. in a friendly way to go somewhere or do something . 5. o__________ : show or express the willingness or intention to do , give , etc .6. a__________ : take willingly or say yes to (an offer , invitation , etc ) 7. r__________ : a set of in已知:矩形纸片ABCD中,AB=26厘米,BC=18.5厘米,点E在AD上,且AE=6厘米,点P是AB边上一动点.按如下操作:步骤一,折叠纸片,使点P与点E重合,展开纸片得折痕MN(如图1所示);步骤二,过点P作PT⊥AB,交MN所在的直线于点Q,连接QE(如图2所示)(1)无论点P在AB边上任何位置,都有PQ______QE(填“>”、“=”、“<”号);(2)如图3所示,将纸片ABCD放在直角坐标系中,按上述步骤一、二进行操作:①当点P在A点时,PT与MN交于点Q1,Q1点的坐标是(______,______);②当PA=6厘米时,PT与MN交于点Q2,Q2点的坐标是(______,______);③当PA=12厘米时,在图3中画出MN,PT(不要求写画法),并求出MN与PT的交点Q3的坐标;(3)点P在运动过程,PT与MN形成一系列的交点Q1,Q2,Q3,…观察、猜想:众多的交点形成的图象是什么并直接写出该图象的函数表达式.③③
英语 试题推荐