
W: Officer, officer, I have something I 86 to report I have just had my money s 87  M: Before you begin, why not take a seat and calm down a little? Don’t be too e 88. It won’t help us catch the thief.W: Yes, you’re completely right. Where should I start?M: From the beginning. When did it take p 89W: About ten m 90 ago.M: And where exactly was this?W: It was probably on the moving stair coming up from the underground at Xidan. I think somebody had been f 91 me from the time I left the bank.M: The bank?W: Well, you see. I went to a bank to e 92 some traveller’s cheques for money, so I 下面是中学化学中常用玻璃仪器组成的实验装置图(根据需要可在其中加入液体或固体)。 请回答下列问题: ⑴ 能用作干燥氨气的装置有___________(填字母); ⑵ 既能用于收集氯气又能用于收集一氧化氮气体的装置有____________(填字母); ⑶ 在氯气和铁反应实验中,能添加在制氯气和反应装置之间以除去氯气中氯化氢等杂质气体的装置有____________(填字母); ⑷ 能用于乙烯与溴水反应制二溴乙烷的实验装置有_____________(填字母); ⑸ 若用C装置作二氧化硫与烧杯中氢氧化钠溶液反应的实验,则其中广口瓶的作用是________________________________________________________________。 ⑹ 为比较Fe3+和Cu2+对H2O2分解的催化效果,某同学设计了下图所示的实验。 ①可通过观察                                           现象来定性比较得出 结论。 ②有同学提出将CuSO4改为CuCl2更为合理,其理由是                      ; 你认为还可以作何改进?                                                           ﹒
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