
    Sometimes the people who are noticed the least can do the most to lift us up. On Thanksgiving  41 , I took part in a local running activity. It was barely above freezing that morning so every runner was walking or jumping around trying to stay  42 .     On the side of the road was a(n)  43  man and as usual, most people pretended not to  44  him. I went over and talked with him for a few minutes   45  the race. He told me that he was a veteran (老兵) and had hoped he might be able to do some work to  46  a few dollars for a Thanksgiving dinner.     It was t英国工业革命后,大量的棉纺厂在城市中得以兴建,其关键因素是A.城市拥有众多的劳动力B.交通工具有了重大突破C.城市居民市场潜力大D.改良蒸汽机的投入使用
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