
Each year, prizes are presented to adults who make great achievements in art, writing, science, and economics. So why not give awards to kids? Harry Leibowitz asked himself that question in 1996. As an answer, he and his wife, Kay, created the World of Children organization and began handing out awards to kids and adults whose work has helped kids all over the world. The awards the World of Children presents are nicknamed(给……起绰号)the “ Children’s Nobel Prize”. “You know, children are so important,” Leibowitz, a retired business manager, told me. “ We should have priz 下列溶液在空气中加热、蒸干、灼烧后,所得固体为原溶液中的溶质的是(  ) A.NaHCO3                               B.KMnO4 C.FeCl3                                    D.NaCl
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