
Over the past decade, there have been many scientific studies on the digital activity of people, such as making mobile calls, texting, e-mailing, and posting on social media. Nearly all human behavior leaves a digital footprint. Therefore, scientists can use such digital activity as a way to track human activity. For example, they can study differences between cultures in sleep patterns, work schedules, and spare time activities. Researchers from Finland and Denmark use a completely new approach to study digital rhythms. Previous studies focused on general patterns across large numbers古人云:“枫叶红于二月花”,又云:“人比黄花瘦”。下列关于色的说法不正确的是A.叶绿体的色素使枫叶春天变绿B.细胞液中的色素使花瓣色彩艳丽,或红或黄C.植物的显色变化是色素代谢的结果D.植物的显色只与质体有关
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