
下列各句中,加点词语使用恰当的一句是                          A.尽管没有刘德华的酷,没有比尔??盖茨的富,但我们并不自惭形秽,因为我们拥有更宝贵的青春。 B.几天来,小区里的便民箱、井盖板接连被盗,名草名花,不胫而走,王大妈提起这事,就气愤不已。 C.李仁和李义兄弟俩相聚不久就劳燕分飞,李仁到北京读博士,李义去深圳一家外资企业工作。他们最大的心愿是能够尽快地再次相聚。 D.在已经气息奄奄的暮年,他19.A:Where did you go last weekend?B:(76)I went to old people's home.A:But you told me you wouldn’t go there.You said it was dirty.(77)Why did you go there then?B:Er,you know,I didn’t want to go there first.But most of my friends went,so I went with them.A:I see.(78)What did you do there?B:I told the old people something interesting around us.A:(79)How did you feel?B:I had fun and felt happy.A:(80)That's great. Next time,I’ll go with you.
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