
材料一:2006年中国31省、市自治区创新能力指数排名公布,31省、市、自治区创新能力明显分为三个梯队, 第一梯队:沪、京、苏、粤4省、市;第二梯队:津、鲁、浙、辽、陕、川、闽、鄂8省、市;第三梯队:其它19个省、市、自治区。山东省位居第6位。 材料二:山东省提出大力推进自主创新、建设创新型省份的目标:到2020年,全省科技综合实力达到中等发达国家水平,科技进步对经济增长的贡献达到65%以上,科技引领山东提前基本实现现代化,F.Benny would like to recommend Chu Xiong for the Helping Hand Award. Help him complete his report with the information in Parts B and E.I would like to ⑴ Chu Xiong for the Helping Hand Award.Chu Xiong can do a lot of things. He can epeak Engliah and(2) well. We can play (3) , and he can play the (4) .I recommend him becauee he (5) the Wvee of two(6) . He helped them (7) a fire.Chu Xiong should gat the (8) bacausa he wae very(9) .
道德与法治 试题推荐