
某校学生会发起“书香校园”活动,得到同学们的热烈响应。请你为会刊“名著导读”栏目写一段话,介绍一部中外文学名著。(100字左右) 答案:参考示例:《巴黎圣母院》是法国浪漫主义作家雨果的第一部浪漫主义小说。巴黎圣母院副主教克洛德道貌岸然、蛇蝎心肠,迫害吉普赛女郎爱丝美拉达。面目丑陋、心地善良的敲钟人卡西莫多为救女郎舍身。小说揭露了宗教的虚伪,歌颂了下层劳动人民的善良、友爱、舍己为人,反映了雨果的人道主 根据中文注释及所给单词首字母,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式 France is a____________( 欧洲的   ) country。 The book provides ____________( 有价值的) information on recent trends. Though he was  old , his mind ____________(仍然处于 ) active 。 After the explosion, the police  did a lot of work to find some clues from the ____________( 目击者)  Ks*5u A ____________( 溺水的 )man will catch at straw. He pushed against  the rock with all his____________(力量) The headmaster’s ____________ (回应) to our plan was encouraging.. A serious ____________(缺少) of availabe cash forced the closure of the company Your are ____________ ( 流血  ) at the noise 。 The Queen is on a _________(私下的) visit to Scotland.
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