
据新华社3月2日消息,我国将于2011年下半年发射“天宫一号”目标飞行器和“神舟八号”飞船,并实现两者对接。某同学得知上述消息后,画出了“天宫一号”和“神舟八号”绕地球做匀速圆周运动的假想图如右图所示,A代表“天宫一号”,B代表“神舟八号”,虚线为各自的轨道。由此假想图,可以判定 A.“天宫一号”的运行速度大于第一宇宙速度 B.“天宫一号”的周期小于“神舟八号”的周期 C.“天宫一号”的向心加速度大于“神舟八号”的补全对话,每空一词。A: Hello, Are you free this weekend?B: Nothing 【1】,why ?A: Look at the sun and the wave is great. We're going to surf on Bondi Beach. Would you like to 【2】with us?B: That's wonderful. But I 【3】 【4】before. And I don't know 【5】 【6】surf at all.A: Don't be afraid. I'll 【7】you.B: Thanks, but is it too hard 【8】me?A: Not too hard. You just need 【9】 【10】.B: I'm sure it will be fun! And maybe I'll become a good surfer.
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