
 America is a country ________many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants _______ the majority of its population.      A. consisting of; making up               B. made up of; consisting of      C. consisted of; making up                D making up of; occupied with 答案:A下列加划线的读音完全正确的是A.和(huò)稀泥  骨(gú)气  土坯(pī)  踮脚(diǎn)B.船坞(wū)  间(jiàn)隔  祓 (fú)除  搀扶(chān)C.呶呶(náo)不休  骨髓(suǐ)  阿(ē)胶  酽(yàn)茶D.扒(pá)窗而入  堰塞(sè)湖  窨(yìn)井  豆豉(chǐ)
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