
第Ⅱ卷 第三部分:写作(共三节,满分55分) 第一节  单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 66.Please keep me_________(通知)of what happens. 67._______(显然), what he said has nothing to do with me. 68.Years ago, my daughter __________(更喜欢)apples to bananas. 69.The old professor joined a_________(医疗)team and went to the flooded areas. 70.If the rain____________(连续)for a few more days, our crops will be ruined. 71.The f____________face suggested that I must have seen him before. 72.We are both new comer控制西瓜的瓜重的基因不止1对,瓜重由显性基因及其显性基因个数决定,不同的显性基因作用效果一致。用瓜重平均为6公斤的西瓜植株与瓜重平均为4公斤的西瓜植株杂交,F1的平均重5公斤;F2中又出现了2公斤与8公斤重的西瓜,各占1/64,亲本可能的基因型是( )A.TTEE × ttee B.TTee × ttEeC.tteehh ×TtEeHh D.TTeehh × ttEEHH
英语 试题推荐