
白居易诗:“机梭声札札,牛驴走纭纭。……有财不行商,有丁不入军。家家守村业,头白不出门。”诗中的描述反映了(       ) ①男耕女织的自然经济             ②重视农业的观念 ③家庭手工业的发展促进了商品流通 ④安土重迁的思想   A、①②③B、①②④     C、①③④D、②③④A: I want go to the Sunshine Library this morning, but I don’t know where it is.B: It’s near Huaxing store, on Center Street. I usually go there.A: 【1】?B: I usually go to the music club in the library on Sundays. A lot of people practice playing music there. Would you like to join us?A: Yes, I’d love to.【2】.B: The No. 1 bus can take you right there.A: 【3】?B: It’s about 3 kilometers from here.A: It’s not too far. I want to walk there.【4】?B: Walk along the street, and take the first turning on the left. The library is across from the post office.A: I see. Thank you very much!B: 【5】.
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