
宋代《宣和画谱》称赞顾恺之“天才杰出,独立无偶,妙造精微”。顾恺之绘画艺术的特点是(    ) A.虽不备该形似,而妙有气韵         B.布局严密、线条浏畅,人物栩栩如生 C.骨气奇伟,规模宏远               D.善画塔庙,超越群工 答案:B阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上(请注意问题后的字数要求)。[1]It’s difficult to find a piece of clothing as widely accepted, worn and loved as jeans in the world. The classic symbol of the American West is now a main item in closets around the world. But why?[2]The reason for jeans’ success has as much as to do with their cultural meaning as their physical construction.[3]Invented by Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis in 1873,jeans were first designed as work wear for laborers on the farms and mines of America’s Western states in the late 19th century. They proved extremely comfortable and durable(耐用的)and were soon in high demand.[4]But the first explosion of jeans into world of casual-wear had more to do with what jeans had come to symbolize.[5]When they did start to be worn as casual wear, jeans became a symbol of rebellion—the spirit captured by Marion Brando in his 1953 film The Wild One and by James two years later in Rebel Without a Cause.[6]Many teenagers in 1953 wanted to be Marlon Brando, and Hollywood costume designers put all the bad boys in jeans. Jeans were soon banned in schools from coast to coast which only added to the passion with which teenagers loved them.[7]But jeans’ popularity kept growing also because they put different classes on a level playing field. They were affordable and hard-wearing, looked good worn as well as new, and didn’t have to be washed often or ironed at all. They suited to the body in a way that matched even the most finely tailored clothes. This became especially important for women because then, and now, they paid more attention to fit. This versatility(多用途),the ability to become all things to all people ,is the secret to jeans’ survival as a closet item.小题1:What is the possible title of this passage?(No more than 7 words)                                                                        小题2:By whom were jeans worn at first?(No more than 10 words)                                                                       小题3:What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 5 refer to?(One word only)                                                                        小题4:What cultural meaning do jeans have?(No more than 6 words)                                                                        小题5:What quality of jeans makes them a timeless closet item?(One word only)                                                                        
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