
11.I have a lot of readings ___________(complete) before the final exam. 12._________(compare) house prices here with that in Shanghai, you will find we are lucky. 13. ________(call) me up before you come, otherwise we might be out. 14.___________(find) out more about university courses, call (920)746-3789. 15.Unless _________ (invite) by himself , I won’t take part in his party. 16. We believe the problem______________(discuss) tomorrow will be solved soon. 17. She did nothing at home but _________(watch) TV. 18. People can’t help _______________(persuade) into doing something the下列事实不能用化学平衡移动原理解释的是A.收集氯气可以用排饱和食盐水的方法B.在一定条件下,氢气与碘蒸汽反应达平衡后,加压,混合气体颜色变深C.可用浓氨水和氢氧化钠固体快速制取氨气D.合成三氧化硫过程中使用过量的氧气,以提高二氧化硫的转化率
英语 试题推荐