
完形填空强化训练(6) Everybody dreams. Some people think dreams can tell us about the future. Other people think dreams tell us about ourselves. It’s like our   1  is talking to us. Why are dreams  2   strange and hard to understand? Some people think our brain uses   3   to talk to us. When we fly, swim, or fall down in our dreams, it has a    4  meaning. Lots of doctors help people  5  their dreams. They find that dreams tell us about our   6   and fears.     These days, many scientists   7   that dreams are very important. During the day, we have many  甲乙两名运动员参加百米赛跑,甲运动员的裁判看到发令枪冒烟开始计时,乙运动员的裁判听到发令枪响开始计时,结果两运动员所用时间相同,而实际上乙运动员比甲运动员跑得_________。A.慢B.快
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