
下列各项加点字注音无误的一项是( ) A.收敛(liǎn)    绽开(zhàn) 枉然(wǎng)   众目睽睽(kuī) B.蝉蜕(duì)    绅士(shēn) 惨淡(cǎn)    饥肠辘辘(lù) C.搓捻(niàn)   悔恨(huǐ) 踉跄(niàng)  煞有介事(shà) D.企盼(qǐ)     贪婪(lán) 笃志(dǔ)    废寝忘食(qǐn) 答案:D— Mr. Smith never means what he says.I dislike him. — ______________, as the saying goes. A.A single flower does not make a spring B.A still tongue makes a wise head C.A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds D.Actions speak louder than words.
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