
It ____ yesterday. A.  took me two hours to finish the job. B.  spent me two hours to finish the job C.  took two hours me to finish the job D.  took me two hours finishing the job 答案:A某矿物形成于上地慢软流层,后随岩浆活动到达地表。人们在图2所示古火山的岩浆岩及河滩泥沙中均发现了该矿物。读图文材料,回答各题。【1】使该矿物从上地幔软流层到达河滩泥沙中的地质作用,依次应为A.岩浆喷发 岩层断裂 风化、侵蚀 搬运、沉积B.岩浆喷发 岩层断裂 搬运、沉积 风化、侵蚀C.岩层断裂 岩浆喷发 风化、侵蚀 搬运、沉积D.岩层断裂 岩浆喷发 搬运、沉积 风化、侵蚀【2】剖面图中绘制的火山坡度,与实际的火山坡度相比A.变陡了 B.变缓了C.无变化 D.无法判断
英语 试题推荐