
补全对话(填词或句子) A:  Hi, Yao Ming! I’m from lives of the Very Famous magazine.     Thank you for talking to me today. B:  Oh,    1            .It’s nice to meet you, Amy. A:  Yao Ming, our readers want to know what famous people do for vacation. 2   you’re your next vacation?     B:  Well, I’m going to Australia.     A:  Oh,        3          there?     B:  It’s sunny and warm!     A:  Really?                4              there?     B:  Oh, going to the beach, maybe playing 火眼金睛辩一辨.挣(       )    淹(       )      犹(       )       练(       )睁(       )    掩(       )      忧(       )       炼(       )既(       )    抵(       )      驮(       )       裁(       )即(       )    底(       )      驼(       )       截(       )
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