
In grade school, I would go to parades, just to see the bands. I would cheer and yell, and some of the band  27   (member) would smile as they went by. Others took their marching         28   (serious) and never smiled, but I knew that they were happy to have some people cheering      29   (they) on. During my  30   (five) grade year in middle school, I bought my own instrument: my now beaten up, silver flute. From that day on I was a music freak. From my iPod, to my guitar, I have been playing music or singing it. Music  31  (change) my life completely. Before已知抛物线C的顶点在坐标原点,准线l的方程为x=-2,点P在准线l上,纵坐标为,点Q在y轴上,纵坐标为2t.(1)求抛物线C的方程;(2)求证:直线PQ恒与一个圆心在x轴上的定圆M相切,并求出圆M的方程.
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