
Walk through the Amazon rainforest today and you will find it steamy, warm, damp and thick. But if you had been there around 15,000 years ago, during the last ice age, would it have been the same? For more than 30 years, scientists have been arguing about how rainforests might have reacted to the cold, dry climate of the ice ages, but till now, no one has reached a satisfying answer. Rainforests like the Amazon are important for mopping up CO2 from the atmosphere and helping tosolve global warming. Currently the trees in the Amazon take in around 500 million t在等高线地形图上,等高线从海拔低的地区向海拔高的地区弯曲,这样的部位是(  ) A、山脊B、山谷C、陡崖D、山顶
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