
On April 9,2010,a solar-powered plane successfully made its first flight.It flew at a speed of 70 km/h at a height of 1,200 meters in the sky above Switzerland for 87 minutes.It is the first solar-powered plane in the world.A group of engineers,led by Bertrand Piccard,a well-known pilot,made this plane. The solar-powered plane is different from the planes that we usually see.The' plane has a thin body with two very big wings full of solar cells.It uses sunlight as its energy, but it was not easy to make such a plane.First of all,Bertrand Piccard and his group membe某同学在“探究凸透镜成像规律”的实验中,发现蜡烛到透镜的距离为8cm时,光屏上出现一个清晰、倒立、放大的烛焰的像,则这个凸透镜焦距的范围是4cm<f<8cm4cm<f<8cm;当调节蜡烛到凸透镜的距离为16cm时,在光屏上不能不能得到一个放大的烛焰的像 (填“能”或“不能”).
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