
When you are absorbed in something for a long time, even a phone call may shock you. That is what happens to me after I am on line for a whole day. My boyfriend’s foreign accent suddenly seems too hard to understand compared with his clear words on screen. Now I am a telecommuter, editing articles and sending them by e-mail as well as communicating with colleagues on Internet mailing lists. My boyfriend lives in Scotland; so much of our relationship is computer-mediated. Staying inside, I can order food, and manage my money, love and work, through which my needs are almost satisfied.上海A股市场的某股票,其股价在某一周内的周一、周二两天,每天下跌,周三、周四两天,每天上涨,则将该股票在这周四的收盘价与这周一的开盘价比较(周一开盘价恰为上周收盘价),变化的情况是                                                            A.下跌B.上涨C.不涨也不跌D.不确定
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