
    Once upon a time, there was a tortoise(乌龟) on a ship. Unluckily, the ship went down one day. Some time later the tortoise successfully swam to a land. There was nothing to eat on the land. All the sides of the land were water except for the east. The east side led up to a big mountain. To survive, the tortoise decided to climb to the top of the mountain. He hoped that he would be able to cross to the other side. When he got to the top of the mountain, he found the top was covered with snow. He felt cold, and then a big wind started. Finally, he found a small path leading down秦岭熊猫是大熊猫的一个重要品种。解放前,其数量是相当可观的,然而到了上世纪80年代,却已近绝迹的边缘。近十多年来,人们为恢复秦岭大熊猫的数量,采取了许多措施,包括大面积退耕还林、建立保护区、禁猎大熊猫、大面积养竹和构建秦岭大熊猫不同保护区之间的走廊等。采取这些措施的根本目的是 A.使大熊猫得到更多的食物B.使大熊猫得到更大的空间C.增强大熊猫的变异性D.提高大熊猫的环境容纳量
英语 试题推荐