
(D) Read a whole book in English? Me?       Yes, you. Believe it or not, that may be easier than you think. Not all classics are too difficult or complicated. So you’re not limited to the simplified versions. And the easier books are not all for children.       Books in their original versions may send you to the dictionary. And you might not understand everything you read. But reading one from cover to cover will give you a real sense of accomplishment(成就). The key is to find the right books. Let’s take a look at these.       The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrob下列各句中,加线的成语使用恰当的一项是(  ) A.对抗震救灾英模们的感人事迹和崇高精神,我们仅有感动是不够的。只有让他们的精神力量深入人心,才能引导你我见贤思齐,把伟大的抗震救灾精神转化为推动科学发展、促进社会和谐的强大力量。 B.对于中国球迷来说,姚明去美国打球可能是件大事,可对于美国篮球巨星来说他也许只是不足齿数的小人物。 C.清明时节,我们相伴去郊外踏青。一路上,田野风光宜人,大地一派生机。途中在田埂上休息,真有如坐春风的感觉。 D.中国联通董事长常小兵称,相信政府会加快发放3G牌照进度,并期望今年年底可获得3G牌照;无独有偶,昨天另一则消息在坊间流传,称工信部电信管理局今日向各省电管局和相关单位下发了一份征求意见文件,征求主题包括3G牌照发放时间、号码携带等重大事项的初步意向。
英语 试题推荐