
There are an extremely large number of ants worldwide. Each individual ant hardly weighs anything, but put together they weigh roughly the same as all of mankind. They also live nearly everywhere, except on frozen mountain tops and around the poles. For animals their size, ants have been astonishingly successful, largely due to their wonderful social behavior. In colonies (群体) that range in size from a few hundred to tens of millions, they organize their lives with a clear division of labor. Even more amazing is how they achieve this level of organization. Where we use sound and sig阅读文字,在横线上写出相应的化学方程式: 安全火柴的火柴头上主要含有氯酸钾、二氧化锰、硫和玻璃粉等,火柴杆上涂有少量的石蜡,火柴盒两边的摩擦层是由红磷和玻璃粉调和而成的。火柴着火的主要过程是: (l)火柴头在火柴盒上划动时,产生的热量使红磷燃烧;                                                  (2)红磷燃烧放出的热量使氯酸钾分解;                                                    (3)氯酸钾分解放出的氧气与硫在点燃条件下反应;                                                    (4)硫与氧气反应放出的热量引燃石蜡,最终使火柴杆着火。
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