
.Suppose you want to bring home a new cat and are looking for a way to really make it feel at home. Actually, all you need to do is buy some nice cat furniture and have it in place by the time you bring it into your home.The first thing that you should prepare is a cat house. Two to three feet off the ground is the best height. If you don’t have enough room for a cat house, a cat bed is also a nice choice.Once you have a nice spot where your cat can go to feel safe, then it’s time to get cat furniture that offers your pet a nice place to play. One nice choice is cat trees. Scratching posts壁虎受到攻击时,尾巴会自行折断,以后还会再长出来,这与细胞分裂关系密切。假设壁虎尾部细胞中染色体数为2n,则其分裂形成的新细胞中染色体数是(  )A. 4nB. 2nC. nD. 12n
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