
   What will you be doing when you are 26 years old? Studying at university or working for a living? Take a look at what Albert Einstein was doing at the age of 26.    100 years ago, Einstein was working in Switzerland. His hobby was physics. Without much money or help, he wrote five papers(论文) for a physics magazine. Three of these greatly changed the study of physics and our understanding of space, time, light and matter(物质). His most famous work is on the Theory of Relativity(相对论). Einstein was given the Nobel Prize for his discoveries. Although he also did many other thin读某区域及相关景观示意图,阴影表示水域,回答题。 1.关于该区域所在的大陆,下列叙述正确的是 A.大河多由东南流向西北 B.大陆西南沿海渔业资源丰富 C.气候温热,气候类型单一 D.近年来,最高山峰雪线下降 2.有专家指出,禽流感进入该大洲会给人类带来“极端的灾难”,主要是因为该大洲 A.经济发达,家禽饲养规模大              B.外来人口数量居各洲之首 C.经济贫困,医疗卫生条件差              D.国际贸易发达,会导致禽流感全球流行 3.某生态学家在调查中发现右图中M点及其周边植被景观分布近似于左图所示(大圆的直径约2~4千米),导致这一现象的原因是 A.过度放牧         B.过度樵采          C.年降水量由M点向四周递增   D.地下水由M点向四周降低
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