
After my sixth voyage I was quite determined that I would never go to sea. One early spring day, however, I was brought to see the Caliph. He said, “Sindbad, I have chosen you to deliver a letter and a gift to the King of Serendib in return for his message of friendship. The Caliph's commandment fell upon me like a thunderbolt(晴天霹雳). “Your Majesty, I answered, I am ready to do all that your Majesty commands, but I have made a promise never again to leave Baghdad. I admit, said he, that you have indeed had some extraordinary experiences, but I do not see why they should pre21、读某模式图,回答 若该图表示工业生产的区位因素,x轴为市场,Y轴为劳动力,z轴为技术。下列选项正确的是 A.①点为电子装配厂②点为瓶装饮料厂    B.①点为服装厂④点为电子原件厂 C.①点为炼铝厂②点为电子原件厂    D.④点为化工厂②点为精密仪器厂
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