
无名母亲 ①我带母亲去医院看病,要打针,吊四瓶点滴。打针的人真不少,注射室里几乎座无虚席。医生插好针头,就叫我和母亲到走廊去。走廊里贴墙放着两排椅子,我把药瓶挂在高处,让母亲坐在椅子上。 ②在我们对面的椅子上,坐着一位农村妇女,年近四十,也可能只有二十多岁,因为她的脸黑黑的,皮肤也粗糙,很难估计年龄。女人不但脸黑,长得也不好看,尤其是嘴巴,牙齿太突,嘴唇太短,即使闭着嘴,也总有两颗牙齿露在外面。她怀根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。I’m Li hua. Look at this picture. There are three girls in it. 1. (谁) are they? The girl in the middle is me. The girl on my 2. (右边)is Cindy Green. Cindy is her first name and Green is her 3. (最后的)name. Zhang li is on my left. 4. (全体)of us are thirteen years old. We are in the 5. (同一的) class. Cindy is an 6. (美国的) girl. But she and her family are in Beijing now. Her parents are 7. (医生). Zhang Li is 8. (来自)Zhejiang. Her father is a 9. (工人)and her mother is 10. (一位)English teacher. 
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