
下列各组词语中划线字注音都正确的一项是()(3分)A.倔(juè)强禀(bǐng)告 洗濯(zhuó) 玲珑剔(tì)透B.奢(shē)望 给(gěi)予点缀(zhuì) 任重(chóng)道远C.金窖(jiào) 丰硕(shuò)蹂躏(lìn) 繁弦(xián)急管D.扒(bā)窃寂寥(liáo)猝(zú)然 心旷神怡(yí) 答案:C解析:略 It’s completely normal for friendships to be nervous at times, because two people don’t necessarily share the same tastes, ideas, or ways of seeing or doing things. If you and your friend disagree about something, the two of you might not listen to or understand each other. 1. When a conflict(矛盾)appears, it’s important to deal with it. Here is some advice that might be helpful when you deal with it.◎2. Start by identifying(确认)the situation that you’re having a problem with and what you’d like to change. For example, “I prefer to speak politely, not in this way...”◎3. Tell your friend how the conflict makes you feel. For example, “it makes me very angry...”◎Find out possible solutions. Together with your friend, find out possible solutions. You can even write them down on a piece of paper. 4.◎Assess(评价)the solutions. Assess all the solutions with your friends. Are any of the solutions realistic? Do any of them satisfy both of you? Will any of them solve the problem?◎Come to an agreement. Together with your friend, choose the solutions you prefer and come to an agreement.◎Reassess. Some time later, check if the agreement has been respected and if the problem has been solved. 5. If the solution you chose hasn’t worked, you can try another.A. Describe the problem.B. Name your feelings.C. That’s when a conflict comes up.D. Different conflicts come up for different reasons.E. At this stage, any idea is a start, so write them all down!F. Take the time to talk to your friend and review your experiences.
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