
 56. What can we infer from the above about the movies mentioned? A. Mr. Peabody & Sherman reflects the feature of the novel completely. B. Child’s Pose is worse than other Romanian films made in the past decade. C. Winter’s Tale is not considered by the writer as interesting as its original. D. 300: Rise of an Empire succeeds in avoiding common drawbacks of sequels. 57. The above writing is probably carried in the column “______”. A. What’s on        B. Brief review C. New movies        D. Recommended movies如图所示,在双人花样滑冰运动中,有时会看到被男运动员拉着的女运动员离开地面在空中做圆锥摆运动的精彩场面,目测体重为G的女运动员做圆锥摆运动时和水平冰面的夹角约为60°,重力加速度为g,估算该女运动员 [     ]A.受到的拉力为 B.受到的合力为2G C.向心加速度为 D.向心加速度为2g
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