
在三年的初中学习生活中,美丽就如路边的野花,在淅沥沥的春雨中摇曳,在轰隆隆的夏雷中绽放,在哗啦啦的秋叶中顽强盛开,在白皑皑的冬雪中傲立枝头。用心体味你三年的学习生活,在惊喜中你会发现——美丽就在生活的路上,美丽就在身旁……请以“收藏生活的美丽”为题目,写一篇不少于600字的作文,文体不限。要求:⑴除诗歌外,文体不限;            ⑵不少于600字;⑶书写工整、规范、美观(4分);  ⑷不得出现真实的人名、校 (根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F))? One day a Chinese student went to study English in England. His family name is Sun. It is the same as the word “sun”. England is a country with bad weather. It is often cloudy or misty, and it rains now and again. So the people there don’t get much sunshine in the whole year. When the Chinese student went to London, a tall English policeman with a large face opened his passport to examine(检查) it. The policeman was interested to find the Chinese name “sun” in the passport. He thought it was pronounced just like the English word “sun”,so he said to the Chinese student, “ I see your name is sun. You are wanted here.”?The Chinese student was greatly surprised. But after a moment the policeman began to smile, “Mr. Sun, you’ve brought sunshine to England! So we don’t want you to go away.”?(1) The Chinese student’s family name is pronounced just like the English word “sun”. (  ) (2) London, the capital of England, is called “The misty city”. (  ) (3) In London, a tall Englishman with large eyes examined the Chinese student’s passport. (  ) (4) The policeman in London was interested in the Chinese name “sun”. (  ) (5) Mr. Sun was really to bring sunshine to England. (  )
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