
有人认为,联邦制下设“50个小政府”,做不到“全国一盘棋”,更谈不上“全国人民一条心”,因而是一种低效的国家结构形式,不可取。如何看待这一观点? 答案:(1)美国的联邦制,是调和统治阶级内部矛盾的有效形式,能够保持联邦是一个强大、统一的国家,确保各州的灵活性和创造性。从这个意义上说,观点不合理。 (2)美国联邦制的弊端也是明显的,集中表现在效率不高。联邦政府与州政府之间相互扯皮、推诿,各州之间各自为政。资产阶级利用国家补全对话 S—a shop assistant C—a customer? S: (1) ? C:I'm looking for a pair of white shoes. (2) ? S:What about the pair on the left?? C:It looks very nice. (3) ? S:Of course.Here you are.? C:The shoes fit me quite well. (4) ? S:One hundred and fifty -yuan.? C: (5) I don't think I'll take it.? S:Well.How about this one?It's a bit cheaper.This kind of shoes sells very well.? C:OK.Here is the money.? A.Can I have a try?? B.That's too expensive.? C.What can I do for you?? D.How much are they?? E.Have you got any in Size Eight?
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