
下列句中加点成语使用有误的一项是(    ) A.他从唐诗下手,目不窥园,足不下楼,兀兀穷年,沥尽心血。 B.五四运动距今100多年了,在这100年里,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化,实现了从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大飞跃。 C.《中国诗词大会》竞赛过程扣人心弦,选手对答如流,嘉宾妙语连珠。 D.走过万亩梨园,被千树万树洁白的梨花包围着。置身于姹紫嫣红的花海中,春风徐徐,玉枝轻摇,花瓣洁白,随风飘飞,在湛蓝的天空中,如雪花27、请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。 A seabird named Lydia recently made a 26-day nonstop(不间断的)journey of about 2,500 miles,just to search for food for her baby.She is fitted with a satellite tracking device(卫星跟踪仪).Her trip started on Oct.18 from Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean.The trip is known as the longest nonstop journey by one of these endangered seabirds. Before that,this kind of birds was known only to fly a few hundred miles from where they live,staying away for just a few days at a time.They usually fly over the sea. The Scientists feel it strange that Lydia made such a long,nonstop Journey and flew overland.So the above facts raise some serious questions about efforts to stop the decline(减少)of the birds.The number of the birds,has fallen by lo percent over the past 20 years. Besides,the scientists are surprised that she was away from her baby for such a long time.They wonder why she needed to go that far.Maybe it shows that fish resources(资源)around Christmas Island are not large enough now.That might explain the slow decline of the bird--sea pollution is serious. 1.Why did Lydia make such a long and nonstop journey? 2.How far does this kind o f birds usually fly at a time? 3.What do you know about the number of this kind of seabirds? 4.What do the scientists think Lydia's long journey may show? 5.What can we learn from Lydia's journey? (请考生自拟一句话作答)
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