
   Today, people all over the world are moving out of small villages in the country to go and live in big, noisy cities. They are moving from the peaceful hills, mountains, fields, rivers and streams of the countryside to the busy world of streets, buildings, traffic and crowds. This movement from rural(乡下的) areas to urban areas has been going on for over two hundred years.    In many countries, the main reason people come to live in towns and cities is work. After one or two large factories have been built in or near a town, people come to find work, and soon an industrial ar20.母亲节这天,班里准备召开班会,主题是感谢母亲,老师向同学们展示了一份“对母亲、同学生日关注度”的调查结果统计表。请根据要求完成表后题目。项目小学生初中生高中生祝福母亲生日54%66%91%祝福同学生日56%86%92%差值2%20%1%①简要概括上表所反映的主要信息。②作为初中生,请根据表格内容谈谈你的感想。
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