
    Almost all theme park accidents can be prevented. Here, based on theme park safety, are some tips to help you and your family stay safe on your next visit.    Stay Cool, and Don't Get BurnedHeat causes more pain and injury at theme parks than all the world's roller coasters (过山车) combined. Water is your best friend in helping prevent heat - related illnesses in theme parks. Choose water rather than juice and soft drinks whenever you get thirsty.  Put on a waterproof sunsereen before you enter the park. A hat or sunglasses can help, too.On any theme park fide, keep your rear(下列有关实验的叙述正确的是A.在硅酸钠溶液中滴入稀盐酸,溶液变浑浊,说明Cl元素的非金属性强于Si元素B.Zn与稀硫酸反应时,滴加少量CuSO4溶液,反应速率加快,说明CuSO4在该反应中起催化剂作用C.用酚酞作指示剂,盐酸滴定Na2CO3溶液,达到滴定终点时,离子浓度关系为:D.将NaAlO2溶液与NaHCO3溶液混合,出现白色沉淀,是两种溶液水解相互促进的结果
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