
43. Charlie has been b__________ from driving for a year as a consequence of drunk driving. 44. At the meeting, he made a silly mistake, which made him feel a_____________. 45. As is known to everyone, large q__________ of energy are wasted in our daily life. 46. Keep working hard and I believe you’ll e___________ achieve your aim. 47. John was advised to listen to some soft music, which would relieve his ________ (anxious). 48. It is said that Frick had a _______ (prefer) for pre-twentieth century of Western paintings. 49. Too much stress will do damage to a person’s health both ph1949年新中国成立,美国不承认新生的人民政权,中美开始了长达二十多年的对抗;1972年中美两国关系开始正常化。下列各组政策或口号与上述“开始对抗”、“开始走向正常化”的时间吻合的是                  (    ) A、“求同存异”   “打扫干净屋子再请客” B、“一边倒”       “坚持长期实行对外开放” C、“另起炉灶”   “反对苏联霸权主义” D、“和平共处五项原则” “断交、废约、撤军”
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